3 reasons why having a dental membership will help protect your smile

Here at Abbey Dental Care we have chosen to be a membership practice, because this offers you and all our patients the best care and value for money.

1. Gain easy access to quality dental care 

We know how much your smile means to you, and that’s why being a member at Abbey Dental Care guarantees quick appointment times to turn your frown upside down!

We have an experienced and hard-working team who will give you the time to fully discuss treatment options and talk you through each and every detail.

2. Receive peace of mind all day, every day 

Membership provides patients with 24/7 access to helpline for dental emergencies at home or abroad. On top of this, membership also includes insurance cover for dental treatment worth up to £10,000 following dental injury. Being a member also gives you access to our own dedicated out-of-hours service. No matter where you are in the world and no matter the time, your teeth can smile all day, every day.

3. Access preventative dental care 

Research shows that preventative dentistry delivered on a regular basis significantly reduces the risk of dental disease and provides a platform for a lifetime of improved oral health.

As an adult member, you will be eligible for up to three dental health examinations per year and up to three hygiene appointments per year as well as all x-rays.

If you are looking for a dentist, we would be delighted to welcome you into our family!

You can explore the full list of benefits here.

You can also sign up to become a member today and protect your smile.